AGGRC Grad Work

As part of my graduate assistantship, I worked with the Aquatic Germplasm and Genetic Resources Center (AGGRC). This facility specializes in the cryopreservation research for aquatic species. I had two primary objectives while working at the AGGRC. The first was a redesign of the organization’s website,, and the second was the establishment of a digital media studio and documentation practices.


Website Redesign - The AGGRC is a large, interdisciplinary organization that enables the work of students, engineers and post-doctoral researchers. This team many external organizations to develop tools and methods for cryopreserving genetic resources from a range of species. Because of this, the amount information that is needed to be presented is massive, and the content itself is very complex.

While I focused on the site structure, UX and page layouts, research assistant Amy Guitreau built the framework and a database that would allow us to add and organize projects and publications.


Website structure and layouts were mapped in Adobe XD. This was especially helpful for our team during work-from-home periods in 2020 and 2021.


Documentation - The Major part of my time involved animal and product photography and videography. This content helped researchers and engineers document their work with animals and new device designs. Content was used as part of publications, dissertations, and on a website rebuild.


Digital Media Studio - As workers and students began to return to campus in 2021, One of my primary goals was to establish a studio space and help students and researchers learn to use cameras, lighting and other recording equipment.

The first iteration of this studio space was setup in an old office turned storage room. While this space has been incredibly useful over the past year, the team is quickly outgrowing it’s capabilities.

As the center expands into a newly renovated workspace, office space is being freed up. To take advantage of this opportunity, I’ve planned to move the digital media studio into a two room suite that will house studio space as well as room for students to work as well.


XBox Game Camp 2020


UE5 - Vesna RPG